Application In/Out
The Application In/Out window is only available for devices that support the application in/out function. For details and tool support, see either:
- MPLAB® X IDE Start Page, Learn & Discover, Getting Started, Users Guide & Release Notes, Hardware Tool Debug Feature Support by Device (most current)
- The webpage Device Debug Features
Note: The Application In/Out function cannot be used with PIC32 instruction trace.
The Application In/Out window allows you to interact with a running application using the Application Input/Output (App I/O) feature supported on some devices. Using this feature, data may be sent serially to and from the target application and, during runtime, over the same PGC/PGD lines used for debugging. Data written to the APPOUT register will be displayed to the window, while user input will be sent to the target application and available in the APPIN register.