Using App I/O with 32-Bit MCUs
To use the Application In/Out window:
- Use the device-specific header file when building your application to use the macros assigned in the header (per Example below.)
- Alternatively, the PIC32 MCU library has printf() and scanf() functions that work with the Application In/Out feature. Refer to the "32-Bit Language Tools Libraries" manual (DS51685), “PIC32 Debug-Support Library” chapter, "<sys/appio.h> PIC32 Debugging Support" section.
Example: Application In/Out Macro Usage
The following application code reads the application input register and writes out a padded value of the input to the application output register.
Hardware used was an MPLAB® REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator and an Explorer 16/32 demo board with a PIC32MX795F512L PIM. Software used was MPLAB X IDE v3.65 and MPLAB XC32 C compiler v1.43.