USB Port/Power

The MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator is connected to the host PC via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port, version 2.0 compliant. The USB connector is located on the back of the pod.

The system is capable of reloading the firmware via the USB interface.

System power is derived from the USB interface. The emulator is classified as a high power system per the USB specification and requires 300 mA of power from the USB to function in all operational modes (emulator/programmer).

Note: The MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator is powered through its USB connection. The target board is powered from its own supply. The emulator cannot provide power to the target board. To power the target, use the MPLAB REAL ICE Power Monitor (AC244008).

Cable Length

The PC-to-emulator cable length for proper operation has been tested for each driver board and is shipped in the emulator kit.

Powered Hubs

If you are going to use a USB hub, make sure it is powered. Also, USB ports on PC keyboards do not have enough power for the emulator to operate.

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