The MPLAB® REAL ICE™ Loopback Test Board can be used to verify that the emulator is functioning properly. MPLAB X IDE will detect and run the complete loopback test and give you a status (PASS/FAIL).
Figure: Loopback Test Connections
Disconnect the Emulator
Disconnect the emulator from the computer and any target.
Insert the Standard Driver Board
Insert the standard driver board into the emulator, if it is not already installed.
Plug in Loopback Test Board
Plug the loopback test board (see figure) into the pod’s logic probe connector. The test board is included with the MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator (DV244005), but may be purchased separately (AC244003).
Figure: Loopback Test Board4
Connect to Standard Driver Board
Connect the loopback test board to the standard driver board using the modular cable.
Reconnect to PC
Reconnect the emulator to the computer.
Launch MPLAB X IDE. Ensure that all existing projects are closed.
Run Self Test
Select Debug>Run Debugger/Programmer Self Test, select the specific “REAL ICE™” you want to test, and click OK. Ensure the loopback test board and cable are connected, and click Yes to continue.
The loopback test board detection works by applying a short pulse on EXT0 and detecting it on EXT7 on the logic probe connector (see Emulator Pod Hardware, “Logic Probe/External Trigger Interface”). Once the board is detected, the emulator applies stimulus to the clock/data and Vpp lines, then reads the sequence back from the logic probe connector interface, thus confirming proper signals levels and connectivity to the connector interfaces.
Review Results
View the self test results in the emulator's Output window.
On PASS, disconnect the loopback test board from the emulator.
On FAIL, check connections and try once more. If the test still fails, contact technical support for assistance: