Power Monitor Window Controls

The graphical data can be viewed in the Power Monitor window and is tabulated based on the open project. Select Tools > Embedded > Power Monitor to open the Power Monitor window.

Window Usage

You can use the Power Monitor window to:

  • Control whether current and/or voltage is displayed by using the “A” or “V” buttons to the left of the graph. Display the data in logarithmic form by using the “log” button.
  • Enable zoom by clicking the magnifying glass button or selecting “Turn on Zoom Mode” from the context menu. Then zoom in on a section of the graph by clicking-and-dragging from the top left to the bottom right of a region.
  • Alternately, zoom by placing the mouse pointer over a point on the graph and using the mouse wheel to zoom into this location. (You do not need to have zoom enabled to do this.)
  • Disable zoom by toggling the magnifying glass button or selecting "Turn off Zoom Mode” from the context menu.
  • Double click on a point in the graph to see the vertical green cursor. Then move to the row in the table below the graph that corresponds to that point on the graph.
  • Select a range of values by clicking-and-dragging from the top left to the bottom right of a region on the graph.
  • Move to either maximum or minimum current values by selecting these under “Go to” in the context menu.

Window Controls

Control the contents of the tab by using the buttons to the left of the graph or the controls on the bottom of the window. To view data, you will at least need the display on (“on” button recessed) and voltage (“V” button recessed) and/or current (“A” button recessed) selected.

Table 1: Power Monitor Window – Buttons

Button Description
PMW_ProjectProperties.gif Click to display the Project Properties window for the active project tab in the window.
PMW_OffOn.gif Click to turn power monitoring capture on (“on” button recessed).
Click again to turn power monitoring capture off (“off” button flat).
PMW_ShowCurrent.gif Click to display current values in the graph (“A” button recessed).
Click again to hide current values (“A” button flat).
PMW_ShowVoltage.gif Click to display voltage values in the graph (“V” button recessed).
Click again to hide voltage values (“V” button flat).
PMW_LogScale.gif Click to view the current on a logarithmic scale (“log” button recessed).
Click again to view current on a standard scale (“log” button flat).
PMW_Clear.gif Click to clear the display of data.
PMW_Stopwatch.gif Click to reset the time stamp on the next run (button is recessed).
After a Pause or Halt, the button will pop up (button is flat).
PMW_Zoom.gif Click to enable Zoom mode (“zoom” button is recessed).
Click again to disable Zoom mode (“zoom” button is flat).

Table 2: Power Monitor Window – Other Controls

Control Description
Pan Graph If all the data is not displayed on the visible graph, you can pan through the data using this slider. You may need to zoom to pan.
Reset Zoom Click to reset the zoom to the default.

Window Menu

From the graph, right click to see the context menu for further options.

Table 3: Power Monitor Window Menu

Item Description
Turn On Zoom Mode Click to enable Zoom mode.
Click again to disable Zoom mode.
Export CSV File Save data in comma-delimited (comma separated values) format.
Save Graph Image Save the current view of the graph as an image file.
Print Print the current view of the graph.
Zoom In Zoom in on the X axis, the Y axis or both axes.
To zoom in on a region of the graph, drag the mouse from top left corner to the bottom right corner and release the mouse. Any other directions will have no effect.
Zoom Out Zoom out on the X axis, the Y axis or both axes.
Reset Zoom Reset zoom level to the default.
Go to Select to go to the maximum current value or minimum current value.
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