Trace and Profiling Function Summary

Information about the types of power data collected or whether the power breakpoints are used, is specified in the MPLAB® X IDE Project Properties window under the emulator setting Trace and Profiling. Use the following steps to access the information:

  • Open an MPLAB X IDE project.
  • Select File > Project Properties.
  • Click the Real ICE category and select the Trace and Profiling option category.

The functions applicable to the Trace and Profiling category, Power Monitor (Target Power Sampling) selection are detailed below.

For other options in this category, see the documentation for the MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator.

Table: Trace/Profiling Option Category

Option Description
Data Collection Selection

Enable/Disable data collection.

  • Off - Do not collect target data.
  • Power Monitor (Target Power Sampling).
Data File Path and Name

Enter or edit the path and/or name of the file that is used to store data.

  • Enter file name (path will be relative to project) – Recommended.
  • Enter a path and file name.
  • Browse (…) to a file, select Absolute, select the file, and click Save (path will be absolute).

Note: Do not select Relative when browsing to a file or MPLAB X IDE will not be able to find the file. When you run, you will receive a warning message that the path does not exist.

Data File Maximum Size (bytes) Set the maximum size of the data file.
Target power sampling will take 12 bytes or 18 bytes (with PC data) per sample.
The file size may be adjusted down to be a multiple of one of those byte sizes, depending on the trace type that is selected. Other trace data types may use record byte sizes that are different from those described above.
Data Buffer Maximum Size (bytes) No data buffer is used for the Power Monitor. Data is streamed directly into the data file.
Time Stamp or Summary Profile Data When Power Monitor is the Data Collection Selection, this item will default to Include Time Stamp as time-stamped voltage and current data is collected.
Stall CPU When Trace Buffer is Full No data buffer is used for the Power Monitor. Data is streamed directly into the data file.
Target Power Sampling Selection Power Data Only: Only current, voltage, and time stamp data will be retrieved (collectively labeled as "power data").
Power Data on PC Update Only: Power data will be retrieved only when PC data is also available.
Power Measurement Target Board (1 mA - 1 A): Measurement of current/voltage taken over the Channel A connector (for a specific component on, or a particular section of, the target board) or the ICSP connector (for the entire board). The measurement can range from 1 mA to 1 A.
Processor Only (1 μA - 9 mA): Measurement of current/voltage taken over the Channel B connector (for a specific component on, or a particular section of, the target board). The measurement can range from 1 μA to 9 mA.
Target Power Sampling Interval (in microseconds) Enter the power sampling interval to collect voltage, current, and time-stamp data (power data).
How/When PC is to be Provided For Power Data Only: No PC provided.
For Power Data on PC Update Only: PC provided At Function Entry and Exit.
Break At or Above Specified Current Level Select to set up a Power Breakpoint. Enter the current level in the Break Current Level.
Break Current Level (in milliamps) If the Break At or Above Specified Current Level is selected, enter a current value here.
Enable Current Filter Select to enable a current filter.
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