The Power Monitor kit (AC244008) consists of the power monitor board and an external power supply. To use the Power Monitor, you must connect it to the MPLAB® REAL ICE™ In-Circuit Emulator and a target board.
Remove Power and Disconnect Hardware
Power down the target board and disconnect the USB cable from the emulator. Disconnect any driver board from the driver board slot and remove any logic probes in the logic probe connector.
Connect Power Monitor Board to Emulator
Slide the Power Monitor board into the emulator driver board slot and logic probe connector simultaneously. Plug the Power Monitor power adapter into an AC source and then plug the barrel end into the Power Monitor board.
Figure 1: Power Monitor Board Connections
For board layout, see Power Monitor Introduction.
Connect Power Monitor Board to Target
Reconnect the USB cable to the emulator. Then connect to the target board in one of three ways:
- Modular (ICSP™) cable – for measuring the target board current. This connection is shown in Figure 1, Step 2.
- Channel A (CHA) wire connection – for measuring the target board current and/or voltage. For details, see Alternative Target Power (CHA) Setup.
- Channel B (CHB) wire connection – for measuring the target device current and/or voltage. For details, see Device Power (CHB) Setup.
Next Step: Software Plugin Installation
Proceed to Software Plugin Installation to install the plugin that is necessary to use the Power Monitor.