SecureIoT1702 Development Board Features
SecureIoT1702 Board Layout
  1. USB micro-B connector - Provides power to the board and provides an interface for serial I/O using the FT230X Serial-to-USB converter.
  2. 10 kΩ Potentiometer – Useful as an analog signal source for ADC demonstration or user interface purposes.
  3. Analog-to-Digital Converter Expansion Header – Provides an expansion header for variable-resistance circuit elements, such as a thermistor.
  4. 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator – Provides an external high-precision clock source on the CEC1702’s XTAL1/2 oscillator input pins.
  5. SST26VF032B Serial Flash – Stores the program image for the CEC1702 and provides additional persistent storage for application information.
  6. Serial Flash Programming Header.
  7. Color LED – Full-color PWM-driven LED.
  8. Status Indication LED – Output LED for the CEC1702’s blinking/breathing LED hardware module.
  9. LED Output Header – Expansion header for the second CEC1702 blinking/breathing LED hardware module.
  10. JTAG Debugging Header.
  11. I2C Expansion Header.
  12. 128x64 Pixel LCD – EastRising ERC12864 SPI-interface LCD. Useful for displaying user application text/images.
  13. 8x General Purpose Pushbuttons – Provide user input. Readable by the CEC1702’s hardware keyscan module or by general-purpose I/O inputs.
  14. 2x mikroBUS™ Interfaces – Useful for attaching a wide array of hardware expansion boards to extend the functionality of the platform.
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