Introduction to TCP/IP Video

This training was created for engineers attending the Microchip Masters Conference, 2016. Please see the Microchip Masters Conference site for more information on this technical training.

Class Abstract:

If you need to add network connectivity to your product, but you don’t know how Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) works, this class is for you. We will teach you the basics of TCP/IP, including how IP addresses are assigned and used and how the data packetization process works. We will then use this knowledge to demonstrate how an embedded device communicates on your local network or across the world. We will teach you what ports and sockets are and how applications use them to create TCP/IP connections. We will also describe how some common TCP/IP applications (DHCP, DNS, etc.) work. We will show you how the Client-Server model works and will discuss the tradeoffs to consider when choosing to locate a server on a local network vs. the Internet. Last, we will show you Microchip’s solutions for embedded TCP/IP designs and make you aware of the commonly used network analysis tools.

To view the video on YouTube, click on the video title.

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