Debugging with MPLAB® X IDE (rev. 3.00)
NOTE: Microchip updates its tools regularly. This page is an older version that we have preserved for the convenience of those who are supporting existing designs based upon older versions of our tools. Please check for the updated version of this page.
- Debugging
- Controlling program execution, in either a simulator or debugger, with the explicit capability of observing and modifying memory, including SFR contents. Debugging gives the user the ability to observe program execution and make the necessary changes to ensure proper operation
There are several Essential Elements of Debugging
- Starting a debug session
- Controlling program execution
- Observing Special Function Registers (SFRs)
- Observing or modifying memory content
- Modifying SFRs or memory content
- Ending a debug session
In the next few pages of this tutorial shows how to perform each of these steps.