Projects (rev. 3.00)

NOTE: Microchip updates its tools regularly. This page is an older version that we have preserved for the convenience of those who are supporting existing designs based upon older versions of our tools. Please check for the updated version of this page.

MPLAB® X Project
A collection of files needed to build a single application for a PIC® microcontroller.

All development work using MPLAB® X IDE is done on projects.

There are several different project types available with MPLAB® X. The most common project type for PIC® MCU developers is the Stand Alone Embedded Project. This type of project produces executable PIC code based on a set of source files, header files and library files.

With MPLAB® X IDE you can:

Before proceeding to debugging code, on either hardware or the simulator, the user can check their code syntax by building the project.

In order to begin debugging or modifying a project's content the project must be "open".

The first hands-on exercise is available for those who wish to gain direct experience creating, editing and building MPLAB® X projects.

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