Fundamentals of the C Programming Language

This class provides an introduction to the C programming language (as specified by the ANSI C89 standard) in the context of embedded systems. We cover the C language from the ground up from a non-hardware specific point of view in order to focus on the various elements of the C language itself. While not required, previous experience with any programming language or experience with microcontrollers would be helpful. The material is accompanied by a series of hands-on exercises designed to reinforce the fundamentals, all of which are conducted within the MPLAB® X IDE using the 16 bit C compiler and Simulator. Skills learned in this class are applicable to any ANSI C compiler. Hardware and compiler-specific details such as interrupts, memory models and optimization are not discussed. These topics are covered in the compiler-specific classes.

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 Table of Contents

  1. C in an Embedded Environment
  3. Variables
  4. The #include Directive
  5. Literal Constants
  6. Symbolic Constants
  7. The printf() Function
  8. Operators
  9. Expressions and Statements
  10. Decision Statements
  11. Loops
  12. Functions
  13. Multi-File Projects and Storage Class Specifiers
  14. Arrays
  15. Data Pointers
  16. Function Pointers
  17. Structures
  18. Bit Fields
  19. Unions
  20. Enumerations
  21. Preprocessor Macros with #define
  22. Resources


Rob Ostapiuk and Ingrid Tay
Microchip Technology Inc.

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