JTAG and the PIC32

This programmer/debugger is an older model and is no longer for sale. Please visit Microchip’s Programmers and Debuggers page to find currently available options.

PIC32 Overview

PIC32 devices provide a complete range of programming and diagnostic features that can increase the flexibility of any application using them. These features allow system designers to include:

  • Simplified field programming using the two-wire In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP) interface
  • Debugging using ICSP
  • Programming and debugging through Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface
  • Incorporates an Enhanced JTAG (EJTAG) extension of standard JTAG interfaces
  • JTAG Boundary scan testing for device and board diagnostics

PIC32 Programming/Debugging Resources

PIC32 devices incorporate two programming/diagnostic modules and a trace controller that provides a range of debugging functions to the application developer.



Pin Name JTAG Pin Description
TMS Test Mode Select
TCK Test Clock Input
TDI Test Data Input
TDO Test Data Output
TRST Test Reset (optional)

In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) Pins

Pin Name ICSP Pin Description
PGED1 Program Data I/O for Channel 1
PGEC1 Program Clock Input Channel 1
PGED2 Program Data I/O for Channel 2
PDEC2 Program Clock Input Channel 2

Trace Pins

Pin Name Trace Pin Description
TRCLK Trace Clock Output
TRD0 Trace Data Output Bit 0
TRD1 Trace Data Output Bit 1
TRD2 Trace Data Output Bit 2
TRD3 Trace Data Output Bit 3
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