SEGGER J-Link Programmer/Debugger

This programmer/debugger is an older model and is no longer for sale. Please visit Microchip’s Programmers and Debuggers page to find currently available options.


SEGGER J-Link Debug Probe


SEGGER's J-Link Debug Probes are USB-powered in-circuit programmer/debuggers supporting PIC®32 devices through the JTAG interface.

Supported by MPLAB® X IDE (v2.15 and later), they provide cross-platform support (Windows®, Linux, Mac OS X®) and can be used to program or debug any PIC32 microcontroller using a JTAG or In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) interface.

Typical Implementation

The J-Link Debug Probe, in conjunction with the Microchip adapter, presently supports the Microchip PIC32 product line through either the ICSP (2-wire) or JTAG (4-wire) interface. Below is an illustration of a typical implementation:


J-Link Debug Probe Configurations

SEGGER provides a wide variety of J-Link Debug Probes, but the configurations that support the PIC32 are summarized below:


J-Link PRO

The J-Link PRO has the most features and includes an Ethernet interface to enable remote debugging of the target. It also has a high-speed USB interface (3.0MB/sec) and has a maximum target (JTAG) interface speed of 50 MHz.



The J-Link ULTRA+ is the J-Link PRO without the Ethernet interface.


J-Link BASE, and J-Link EDU

The J-Link BASE and J-Link EDU share the same hardware. These models have a full-speed USB interface (1.0MB/sec) and have a maximum target (JTAG) interface speed of 15 MHz.

  • J-Link BASE can provide unlimited software breakpoints (additional license fee required).
  • J-Link EDU is intended for non-commercial and educational purposes only. There is no licensing fee needed for the unlimited software breakpoints, but support is limited and available through the SEGGER forums only.
J-Link Programmer/Debugger Model
Maximum JTAG
Target Speed
Host Interface Approximate
J-Link PRO 50 MHz High-Speed USB and Ethernet $998 USD
J-Link ULTRA+ 50 MHz High-Speed USB $748 USD
J-Link BASE 15 MHz Full-Speed USB $378 USD
J-Link EDU 15 MHz Full-Speed USB $60 USD

More details on the various J-Link models can be found on SEGGER's website

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