Introduction to Microchip Touch Bridge

Getting Started with Microchip Touch Bridge


The Microchip Touch Bridge (MTB) will become the universal bridge for all Microchip touch solutions–turnkey products and touch library-based applications on MCUs. A bridge is used during the development process to read out raw data and adjust settings accordingly.

The tool for data visualization is also integrated. The MTB’s intended tool for touch tuning is the MPLAB Data Visualizer.

You can find training videos and step by step guides on

Power Supply Selection

The board can be powered alternatively through

  • USB power
  • External power source

USB Powered Bridge and Target


When MTB is powered from USB source Insert JS1 between J2 header Pin1-2 and insert JS2 between J4 header Pin 3-4.

External Supply Powered Bridge and Target

When MTB is powered from an external source (with a supply voltage of 1.8V-5V) please feed to J4 Pin: 3 and supply GND to Pin: 19. Do not place jumper JS2.
Jumper mode selection USB supply to bridge and target board External supply to bridge and target board USB supply to bridge and external supply to target board
Jumper J2 Short pin 1-2 Short pin 2-3 Short pin 1-2
Jumper J4 Short pin 3-4 Open pin 3-4 Open pin 3-4
EXTVDD - EXTVDD to J4 pin 3 and GND pin 19 EXTVDD to J4 pin 3 and GND pin 19

Application Mode Selection

Mode of operation: The application mode can be selected by the following switch settings (mode selector switch).
Switch Mode SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 Mode of Operation Bluetooth USB COM USB MSD CAP Bridge
0 OFF OFF OFF OFF UART Bypass - 9600 N Y N N
1 OFF OFF OFF ON UART Bypass- 19200 N Y N N
2 OFF OFF ON OFF UART Bypass- 38400 N Y N N
3 OFF OFF ON ON UART Bypass- 115200 N Y N N
4 OFF ON OFF OFF UART Bypass- 9600 Y N N N
5 OFF ON OFF ON UART Bypass- 19200 Y N N N
6 OFF ON ON OFF UART Bypass- 38400 Y N N N
7 OFF ON ON ON UART Bypass- 115200 Y N N N
8 ON OFF OFF OFF Reserved N N N N
9 ON OFF OFF ON Reserved N N N N
10 ON OFF ON OFF Reserved N N N N
11 ON OFF ON ON Reserved N N N N
12 ON ON OFF OFF Reserved N N N N
13 ON ON OFF ON Test Mode N N N N
14 ON ON ON OFF Cap Bridge N N N Y
15 ON ON ON ON Bootloader N N Y N

Note 1: The bootloader is never bypassed. If there is no valid application present in the application region of Flash, the control stays in the bootloader until a valid HEX file is dropped.

Note 2: It is required to do a power cycle after changing a mode (i.e., once you choose a mode, you must open and short the J2 pin jumper).

Connect MTB via USB and Bluetooth

Microchip Touch Bridge: Connect via USB

Switch Mode SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 Mode of Operation Bluetooth USB COM
3 OFF OFF ON ON UART Bypass- 115200 N Y

Microchip Touch Bridge: Connect via Bluetooth

Switch Mode SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 Mode of Operation Bluetooth USB COM
7 OFF ON ON ON UART Bypass- 115200 Y N

Microchip Touch Bridge: Connect to PC via Bluetooth

Open Windows 10 settings with the Windows + I keyboard shortcut, or in the Windows search enter "settings" and the Settings window will open.


In the Windows 10 Settings window, search for “Bluetooth” then click on Bluetooth and other devices settings.


In the Bluetooth & other devices window, click on Add Bluetooth or other device.


In the Add a device window, click Bluetooth.


TCH-BRIDGE-XXXX will appear. Click on it to add the device.


In Windows Device Manager, under Ports (COM & LPT), you will see the Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COMxxx). Choose this COMxxx when connecting in the MPLAB Data Visualizer.


For more details please visit the Microchip Touch Bridge webpage.

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