MCP9600 Sensor Conditioning ICs - Microchip

Thermocouple Sensor Conditioning

Thermocouple interfacing requires expertise in sensitive analog design, mixed-signal systems, and high-order mathematics for realizing temperature from the small voltage (μV) output of a thermocouple. Microchip’s fully integrated thermocouple Electromotive Force (EMF) to degree celsius converter with cold-junction compensation greatly simplifies the design process by integrating all needed functions in one package, reducing time to market.

MCP9600 Thermocouple EMF to Degree Celsius Converter

The MCP9600 is a fully integrated thermocouple EMF to degree celsius converter with cold-junction compensation. The MCP9600 supports eight thermocouple types (K, J, T, N, S, E, B, and R). It provides user-programmable registers, adding design flexibility for various temperature sensing applications. The registers allow user-selectable settings, such as low-power modes for battery-powered applications, an adjustable digital filter for fast transient temperatures, and four individually programmable temperature alert outputs that can be used to detect multiple temperature zones.

MCP9600 Features

  • Thermocouple Voltage to °C Converter, Integrated Cold-Junction Compensation
  • Supported Types (designated by NIST ITS-90): Type K, J, T, N, S, E, B, and R
  • ±1.5 °C (Max.) Measurement Accuracy: ±1.0°C (Max.) Cold Junction, 0 °C to +85 °C
  • Temperature Measurement Resolution: Hot and Cold Junctions: 0.0625 °C (typical)
  • Four Programmable Temperature Alert Outputs: Monitor Hot or Cold Junction Temperatures, Detect rising or falling temperatures - up to 255 °C of Programmable Hysteresis
  • Programmable Digital Filter for Temperature
  • Low Power: Shutdown mode, Burst mode - 1 to 128 Temperature Samples
  • 2-wire Interface: I²C Compatible, 100 kHz, supports eight devices per I²C bus
  • Operating Voltage Range: 2.7V to 5.5V
  • Operating Current: 500 μA (typical)
  • Shutdown Current: 2 μA (typical)
  • Package: 20-lead MQFN

MCP9600 Thermocouple EMF to C Converter Evaluation Board (ADM00665)

The MCP9600 Evaluation board is available to enable you to easily evaluate the features of the MCP9600 using a Type K thermocouple. The device also supports Types J, T, N, E, B, S, and R. This can be evaluated by replacing the type K thermocouple connector with the corresponding connectors.

MCP9600 Target Applications

  • Process control
  • Boilers
  • Water heaters
  • Engine thermal monitoring
  • Heating racks
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