SuperSpeed Plus USB

SuperSpeed Plus Universal Serial Bus (USB) was first introduced in 2013 with the release of the USB 3.1 specification. This version features the introduction of a 10 Gbit/s transfer speed. To avoid confusion and begin a new naming convention, in 2015 USB 3.1 was named USB 3.1 Gen 2 and USB 3.0 was renamed USB 3.1 Gen 1.


SuperSpeed Plus USB Significant Features

  • Speeds of up to 10 Gbit/sec are supported
  • Backwardly compatible with all speeds defined in USB 2.0
  • New and slightly larger connectors are used for SuperSpeed Plus USB than are used with USB 2.0. The Hub receptacles receiving these connectors can also accept the standard 2.0 connectors.
  • Implements 128 b/132 b encoding in a Full-Duplex Communications mode.

Data Signals

SuperSpeed Plus USB uses six data lines configured in two groups.

  • D+ and D- differential half-duplex signals
  • Two pairs of full-duplex differential signals (SSTX-, SSTX+, and SSRX-, SSRX+)
Pin Number Signal Description
1 VBUS Power
2, 3 D- , D+ 2.0 Differential Pair
4 GND Ground
5, 6 SSRX- , SSRX+ SuperSpeed receiver differential pair
7 GND_DRAIN Ground for return signal
8, 9 SSTX- , SSTX+ SuperSpeed transmit differential pair

SuperSpeed Plus Power Distribution

USB 3.1 Gen 2 provides for low-power and high-power ports. Both of these ports are able to supply their specified current while maintaining 10 Gbit/s transfers.

  • Low-power ports provide up to 150 ma
  • High-power ports provide up to 900 ma

There are several power delivery specifications cable of supplying additional power. Not all modes can sustain the data transfer while supplying power (see the power delivery specifications for details).


  • The full SuperSpeed+ USB specifications are available in the Document Library from the USB Developers Forum.

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