RN1723 Overview
Figure 1

The RN1723 is a stand-alone, embedded 802.11b/g Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) module. The module incorporates an on-board TCP/IP networking stack, cryptographic accelerator, power management subsystem, real-time clock, versatile sensor interface, 2.4 GHz transceiver, and Radio Frequency (RF) power amplifier (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

The RN1723 provides cost and time-to-market savings as a self-contained, Internet-enabling solution. The module has been designed to provide you with a simple Wi-Fi® solution that features:

  • Ultra-low power for years of battery life
  • Firmware configurable transmit power: 0 dBm to +12 dBm
  • Hardware interfaces: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Slave
  • Supports SoftAP and Infrastructure networking modes
  • RF pad for external antenna
  • User programmable GPIO and Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
  • Real-time clock for Time-Stamping, Auto-Sleep, and Auto-Wakeup modes
  • Run directly from batteries or regulated power supplies
  • ASCII interface for ease of development
  • Over the air firmware upgrade
  • WPS mode for secure wireless setup
  • Secure Wi-Fi authentication schemes (WEP/WPA/WPA2)
  • Advanced SSL/TLS security (running on external PIC® MCU)
  • Full on-board TCP/IP/UDP stack (no external drivers required)
  • Efficient Active and Standby modes:
    • 4 µA Sleep mode
    • 15 mA DOZE (Standby) mode
    • 40 mA Receive
    • 120 mA Transmit

MCU Interface (Basic)

In the simplest configuration, the module requires only power, ground, and UART Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX) connections. The RN1723 module can interface to low-cost microcontrollers using only two wires, UART TX and RX.

Note: The Module RESET connection is also recommended to be able to synchronize the MCU firmware with the Module as shown.

Figure 3

Note: The MCU Interfacing page provides more details. Many of the module control and status states are visible/controllable via the GPIO pins, simplifying MCU firmware development.


The following core documentation is required to work with the module:

Other documentation available on the module's product page includes:

  • Certifications
  • CAD Resources

Module Firmware Revisions

For the latest firmware details and corresponding part numbers, please visit the Wireless Connectivity Solutions page.

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