16-bit PIC® and dsPIC® Microcontrollers

16-bit PIC® Microcontrollers
PIC24F/H, dsPIC30F, dsPIC33F/E

  • Ideal for Low Power, Motor Control and Digital Power Applications
  • Performance that meet your application needs ranging from lowest power up to 70 MIPS
  • Complete portfolio from 4 kB to 512 kB of program memory and 256 kB to 96 kB RAM as your code requirements grow
  • Upward compatible architectures to preserve investment in code development
  • Pin compatibility in multiple packages facilitates drop-in replacement from 14 to 144 pins
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 Self-Paced Training

The material in these training modules exists elsewhere on this site in a general reference format. However, the training modules present it in an organized, step-by-step sequence to help you learn the topic from the ground up.

 Projects and Examples

 Frequently Asked Questions

XC16 Compiler Warnings: "Optimization may eliminate reads and/or writes to register variables"
How do you select which PIC® device to use on the MCP3911 evaluation board?
Why can't I drive my MOSFET when connected to PWM?
What is the instruction size of a PIC® MCU?
What happens when software break instructions are executed in release (non-debug) mode on 16-bit devices?
What does the "-ICD" suffix on an MCU mean?
Using MLA with freeRTOS® on dsPIC33EP - Tips and Tricks
U6RX Pin Not Found in the Pin Table of PIC24FJ256GB406's Datasheet
Trouble Shooting I²C on PIC24FJ32GA102
Software/Programming - MCU16 - Address Error Trap with EDAC Instruction and Incorrect Result by MAC Instruction
How do you synchronize the primary and secondary time bases on a dsPIC33EP PWM Module?
How do I get the dsPIC33EP32MC204 to sample 8 ADC channels at 500 ksps?
Generating a PWM Signal with High Speed PWM Module Fails on dsPIC33EP Family
Enabling PWM Module Removes PPS Mapping of the SDI2 in dsPIC33EP512MC202
dsPIC33/PIC24 - ECAN, FNRB (FIFO Next Read Buffer Pointer bits) Not Resetting as Expected
dsPIC33FJ64MC804 - ECAN Filters Not Working as Expected
dsPIC33EP - PWM Outputs are Disabled when I²C is Enabled
Do the device pin tables show which pins are 5V tolerant?
16-bit Motor Control PWM - Overriding Complementary Pairs
Using the Alternate Interrupt Vector Table (AIVT) on PIC24FJ
How can I create a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) using an OP Amp and DAC output from a PIC® MCU?
Getting Into and Out of Deep Sleep on PIC24FJxxxGCxxx Family Parts
Problems Programming Auxiliary Space Using PICKit™ 3 Programmer-To-Go
Polling a PWM Fault Pin on a dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs)
Impact of Ripple on Vdd when using a Microchip Microcontroller
Example Projects for ADC and I²C for dsPIC30F2012
Does PIC24FJ256DA210 contain ADC bandgap reference and temperature sensing?
Differences between dsPIC33FJ256GP710A and dsPIC33FJ256GP710 devices
Problems with Slave Select Control on dsPIC33/PIC24 Family
Problems setting PPS Digital Inputs on the dsPIC33EP512MU810
PIC24FJ64GB004 - What is the purpose of the series resistor in the VBUS line?
PIC24FJ128GC010 - Select CVref Pins for Comparator Voltage Reference
PIC24FJ - Setting Input Pins as Analog for Comparator
Measuring Temperature with a dsPIC® Digital Signal Controller (DSC) CTMU
How can I find a pin-to-pin compatible microcontroller to migrate my project?
dsPIC33/PIC24 - ECAN Transmission Doesn't Work
dsPIC33E USB Starter Kit Compatibility with PIC32 I/O Expansion Board
For dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), how can the FFT be used with data block lengths that are not a power of two?
Can the RTCC on a PIC® MCU without a VBAT run off a battery?
What is the most common problem encountered when communicating with a PIC® MCU SPI module?
What is the maximum size FFT that can be used on a dsPIC®?
General Tips for Troubleshooting Input Capture and Example Code
Code Examples of an SD Card Implementation
Can the ADC measure 5 V if the VDD is 3.3 V?
Which PIC® can I use to implement RS485 Modbus®?
Can I use the Charge Time Measurement Unit for Internal Temperature Sensing in a PIC®?
Will I damage the peripheral on my 3.3 V device if I'm using it in a 5 V system?
Where can I find the ADC voltage reference?
What should I do with an unused Vbat pin?
Interface a dsPIC® to a LAN9352 via SPI
dsPIC33EP - Why does the dedicated timer of Input Capture 2/4/6 not reset?
Can the PIC24F perform I2C clock stretching?
16-bit PMP - What are the differences between the dsPIC33FJ and dsPIC33EP PMP modules?
Why can't I program the Explorer 16 with a USB cable?
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