This page provides a simple SAM D21 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) code example for the ATSAMD21J18A MCU. The project configures the Timer/Counter 3 module (TC3) to produce interrupts every 100 ms, using the default CPU clock frequency (1 MHz). The TC3 handler routine toggles the onboard LED on every interrupt event.
This code example uses a direct/indirect MCU register C-coding style (i.e., no software framework) and is built using the GCC compiler toolchain within the Atmel Studio 7 IDE.
Visit the following page to learn more about how to configure the NVIC and Timer/Counter modules for this specific application:
Hardware Tools
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![]() Atmel® Studio
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Exercise Files
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We recommend extracting the ZIP file to your C:\ folder.
You should see the folder C:\MTT\32arm\samd21\code-examples-gcc\nvic\interrupt-example-tc containing the solution interrupt-example-tc.atsln.
Connection Diagram
SAM D21 Xplained Pro contains an Embedded Debugger (EDBG) that can be used to program and debug the ATSAMD21J18A using Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface. The EDBG also includes a Virtual COM port interface over UART, a data gateway interface (DGI) over a serial peripheral interface (SPI) and a two-wire interface (TWI), and it monitors four of the SAM D21 general-purpose input/output (GPIOs). Atmel Studio 7 is used as a front-end for the EDBG.
The LED0 is driven by this application and is connected to port PB30 as shown:
Attach the SAM D21 Xplained Pro board to your computer using a USB A-to-MicroB cable. Start Atmel Studio 7. If the board has been successfully enumerated, you should see the board image come up in Atmel Studio as shown:
The board is identified by the last four digits of its serial number (see the sticker on the bottom of the board). In this example, the last four digits are "8386".
Configure the Debugger
Next, you need to configure the debugger in Atmel Studio to discover and connect to the target EDBG IC on your Xplained Pro board.
First, navigate to Project > Properties as shown:
Next, under the project's 'Tool' settings, select your EDBG target from the pull-down. Select 'SWD' as the interface:
Save the tool setting by clicking the Save All button:
Rebuild/Program the Target
Finally, click on the Start Without Debugging icon in Atmel Studio which (i) re-builds the HEX file from the project source code, (ii) downloads/programs the HEX file onto the target MCU, (iii) and releases the target MCU Reset pin, allowing the program to execute.
If prompted, upgrade the EDBG firmware on the board:
You need to click on Start Without Debugging again after a EDBG firmware upgrade in order to rebuild/program the target.
LED0 (PB30) toggles every 100 ms.
This project has provided a simple example of how to set up and use Interrupts on the SAM D21 MCU.