SAMD21 Device Service Unit (DSU)

The Device Service Unit (DSU) detects external debug probes connected through the Debug Access Port (DAP) pins providing access to the MCU debug capabilities. The services provided by the DSU include:

  • Basic debugging functionality and device programming from a programmer/debugger connected via 2-pin Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Interface. This basic debugging capability includes the ability to disable and enable the Micro Trace Buffer (MTB).
  • Arm® CoreSight™ technology compliant device identification
  • CPU Reset control
  • 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checking for all advanced high-performance bus (AHB) connected memory modules
  • Full chip erase
  • Built-in memory self-test (MBIST) meeting IEC60730 Class B specifications

DSU Configuration

There are no use-programmable configurations for the DSU. We highly recommended that you consult the device datasheet for specifics on reading the CoreSight address register settings.

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Using the DSU
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SAM D21 MCU Overview
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SAM D21 Clocking
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