SAM L10/L11 Sleep Modes

Sleep Mode Overview

The SAM L10/L11 have three Sleep modes available through the Power Manager (PM), as summarized below:


Each sleep mode offers different flexibility and capability for the device to wake-up. The figure below shows the resultant device status across all Sleep modes:


Related Peripherals

A related peripheral that controls Sleep modes is the Power Manager.

Sleep Mode Selection

After a device reset, the device is operating at Performance Level 0 (PL0), in Active mode.


While the performance level selection is done through the selection bits in the Performance Level Configuration register (PLCFG.PLSEL), the Sleep Mode configuration bits are in the Sleep Configuration register (SLEEPCFG.SLEEPMODE). These bits are used to select the level of the Sleep mode.

There is a small latency between the store instruction and actual writing of the SLEEPCFG register due to bridges. The software must ensure that the SLEEPCFG register reads the desired value before issuing a Wait For Interrupt (WFI) instruction.

Sleep mode is then entered by executing the WFI instruction.

Code Example: Configuring the device in STANDBY sleep mode allowing the device to get the best power efficiency

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Power Manager
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SAM L10/L11
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