SAM S7/E7/V7 MCU Family Reference

This page connects you with all the information you need to evaluate and design with Microchip's 32-bit SAM S7/E7/V7 families of microcontrollers.

Family Overview

SAM S70 The SAM S70 is based on the 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M7 RISC processor with floating point unit (FPU). It operates at a maximum speed of 300 MHz and features up to 2 MB of Flash, dual 16 KB of cache memory and up to 384 KB of SRAM with tightly coupled memory options. It also includes high-speed USB host and device plus PHY, up to 8 UARTs, I2S, SD/MMC interface, a CMOS camera interface, system control and analog interfaces.
- Cortex-M7 core @ 300 MHz
- High-Speed USB
SAM E70 The SAM E70 microcontroller builds on the SAM S70 with the addition of a 10/100 Ethernet MAC with IEEE1588 and two CAN-FD ports.
- Cortex-M7 core @ 300 MHz
- Ethernet, High-Speed USB & CAN
SAM V70/V71 The SAM V70/V71 microcontrollers are automotive grade (AEC-Q100 Grade 2 (-40C / 105C)) versions of the SAM S70 and SAM E70 devices. The SAM V70 has up to 1 MB of Flash memory (SAM S70 has 2 MB), and the SAM V71 has up to 2 MB of Flash.
- Cortex-M7 core @ 300 MHz
- Ethernet, High-Speed USB & CAN
- Automotive Qualified

Use the parametric search engine to see device specific details:

Family Specialty:

  • High-performance (Cortex-M7 core @ 300 MHz)
  • Ethernet, High-Speed USB & CAN
  • Automotive Qualified (SAM V7)

Popular Development Boards

Tool About Purchase
SAM E70 Xplained Pro
Evaluation Kit
SAM V71 Xplained Ultra
Evaluation Kit

All 32-bit MCU boards >

Software Development

Tool About Installers
Windows Linux Mac OSX
Atmel® Studio
Integrated Development Environment
Advanced Software Framework v3 (ASF3)
Integrated Software Framework
Included with Atmel® Studio7 IDE
Atmel® START (ASF4)
Integrated Software Framework
Web Based
Tool About Purchase
JTAG In-Circuit Emulator
Atmel® ICE
In-Circuit Emulator

Training & References

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