Program High-Speed Multimedia Card Interface (HSMCIx) or Secure Digital Multi-Media Card (SDMMCx) (sdmcc)
The sdmcc applet initializes the High-Speed Multimedia Card (HSMCIx) or the Secure Digital Multi-Media Card (SDMMCx) Interfaces and can perform read, write, and verify functions of an external Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card or Embedded Multi-Media Card (e.MMC) memory embedded on the target board.
The sdmcc applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Device | Documentation |
SAM9X60 | ../doc/sam9x60.html |
SAMA5D2 Series | ../doc/sama5d2.html |
SAMA5D3 | ../doc/sama5d3.html |
SAMA5D4 | ../doc/sama5d4.html |
Additional documentation is located in the document directory: ../doc/sdmmc.html.
sdmmc Command Structure
The sdmcc applet has the following command structure:
$ sam-ba -p <port> -d <device> -a sdmmc -c <command>
Initialize Controller
Initialization of the sdmcc applet has the following command:
$ sam-ba -p <port> -d <device> -a sdmmc
A list of parameters to initialize the sdmcc applet can be displayed with the help option (using the SAMA5D2 Series device as an example):
$ sam-ba -p serial -d sama5d2 -a sdmmc:help
Syntax: sdmmc:[<instance>]:[<ioset>]:[<partition>]:[<bus_width>]:[<voltages>]
instance SDMMC controller number
ioset SDMMC I/O set
partition Partition number (0=user partition, x>0=boot partition x)
bus_width Data bus width (0=controller max, 1=1-bit, 4=4-bit, 8=8-bit)
voltages Supported voltages (bitfield: 1=1.8V, 2=3.0V, 4=3.3V)
sdmmc use default board settings
sdmmc:0:1:1:8:5 use fully custom settings (SDMMC0, IOSET1, first boot partition, 8-bit, 1.8V/3.3V)
sdmmc:0::1 use default board settings but force use of SDMMC0, first boot partition
A list of parameters is located in the document directory: ../doc/sdmmc.html.
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by the sdmcc controller can be displayed with the following command:
$ sam-ba -p <port> -d <device> -a sdmcc -c help
read Command
The read command reads data from SD Memory Card or e.MMC memory into a binary file.
$ sam-ba -p serial -b sam9x60-ek -a sdmmc -c read:help
* read - read from memory to a file
read:firmware.bin read all to firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000 read from 0x1000 to end into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000:1024 read 1024 bytes from 0x1000 into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin::1024 read 1024 bytes from start of memory into firmware.bin
write and writeboot Command
The write and writeboot commands write data from a binary file into the SD Memory Card or e.MMC memory.
The blocks containing the pages to be written should be erased first with the erase command.
The write command should only be used to write a binary image (sdcard.img) into either an SD Memory Card or an e.MMC memory user partition.
The sdcard.img file contains the raw data of the SD Memory Card. It must begin with a Master Boot Record (MBR), a valid partition table, and contain two partitions:
The first partition (BOOT) must be formatted in FAT12, FAT16, or FAT32 and it must include a boot.bin file in the root folder. The boot.bin file is the second stage bootloader (at91bootstrap) that is loaded and executed by the ROM Boot code.
The second partition (ROOTFS) must be formatted in EXT2 or EXT4 and include the Root File System.
$ sam-ba -p serial -b sam9x60-ek -a sdmmc -c write:help
* write - write to memory from a file
write:sdcard.img write sdcard.img to start of memory
The writeboot command should only be used when programming a bootstrap file into an e.MMC memory boot partition.
The writeboot command modifies the relevant unused ARM exception vector to store the size of the bootstrap binary, as required by the ROM Boot code during the boot process.
$ sam-ba -p serial -b sam9x60-ek -a sdmmc -c writeboot:help
writeboot:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin as boot program at start of memory
verify and verifyboot Command
The verify and verifyboot commands compare the data written into the SD Memory Card or e.MMC memory with the contents of a binary file.
$ sam-ba -p serial -b sam9x60-ek -a sdmmc -c verify:help
* verify - verify memory from a file
verify:sdcard.img verify that start of memory matches sdcard.img
verify:firmware.bin:0x1000 verify that memory at offset 0x1000 matches firmware.bin
The verifyboot command ignores the relevant unused ARM exception vector in the binary file.
$ sam-ba -p serial -b sam9x60-ek -a sdmmc -c verifyboot:help
* verifyboot - verify boot program from a file
verifyboot:bootstrap.bin verify that start of memory matches boot program bootstrap.bin