SAM-BA® ISP - Installing the SAM-BA Host Application


The SAM-BA® Host application program can be downloaded from:

The SAM-BA Host program is provided under the GNU General Public License version 2. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.

The SAM-BA Host application program can run on Windows® or Linux® operating systems.


The Windows version will run on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Download the ZIP file and unzip it into a working directory of your choice. Add the SAM-BA directory path to the environment variables:

Add to the PATH on Windows 10

Once the SAM-BA Host program has been installed, the execution of the application is from the Windows command prompt. Change the directory to the location of the SAM-BA directory. The available options can be found by executing the sam-ba.exe -help option.


The Linux version will run on 64-bit platforms. Download the *.tar.gz file and extract it into a working directory of your choice. Add the SAM-BA directory path to the environment variables:

How to set your $PATH variable in Linux

Once the SAM-BA Host program has been installed, the execution of the application is from the command line. Open a terminal window and change the directory to the location of the SAM-BA directory. The available options can be found by executing the sam-ba.exe -help option.

Directory Structure


Both Windows and Linux versions have similar directory structure:

  • doc: SAM-BA documentation provided in html format. Open ../doc/index.html to begin.
  • examples: Example QML script files organized by the target device. Refer to the README.txt in each of the example directories.
  • lib: Executable files and libraries (Linux only).
  • qml: QML plugins (devices, communication, etc.).


The SAMA5D2 Series of ARM Cortex-A5 processor-based MPUs have the ability to load signed and encrypted programs during the boot process. This allows only authorized code to load and execute on the processor.

Enabling the ROM boot code for Secure Boot mode requires a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from Microchip Technology. Contact your nearest Microchip Sales office for instructions on how to attain confidential application note AN2435, SAMA5D2 Series Secure Boot Strategy (Lit. No. DS00002435).

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