SAM9X60-EK -- Attaching the TM5000 WVGA Display


In this training, you will attach the TM5000 High-Performance WVGA Display Module with Max-Touch® Technology LCD display to the SAM9X60-EK evaluation kit.

Features of the WVGA Display include:

  • 800 x 480 TFT display
  • maXTouch® MXT640
  • QTouch® QT1070 (with four navigation keys)
  • 4 K-bit 1-wire EEPROM
  • Integrated Projective Capacitive Touch (PCAP) panel

Assembling the WVGA Display to the SAM9X60-EK

To begin assembling the WVGA Display to the SAM9X60-EK evaluation kit, the WVGA Display needs to be prepared.


From the back of the WVGA Display, remove the short Flexible Flat Cable (FFC).



From the back of the WVGA Display, remove the four screws holding the MEB adapter to the display. Save the screws:



From the back of the WVGA Display, insert the long Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) (included in the SAM9X60-EK) into the J1 connector. Ensure the silver connectors are down (blue side up). Close the connector by sliding both sides of the inner sleeve into the connector.



On the top of the SAM9X60-EK, position the WVGA Display over the four screw mounts. Fasten with the screws saved in Step 2.



From the back of the SAM9X60-EK, open the Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) connector by flipping up the black level as shown. Insert the cable into the connector. Close the connector by flipping the black level down.

Be gentle with the lever. Too much force and it can come loose. It can be reinserted if accidently removed.


Congratulations! You now have an assembled SAM9X60-EK with WVGA Display.

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