This is a very basic step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates how you can download and compile the example Secure AVR® BLE IoT Node project. This example project allows you to connect your node to your Android® or iOS® device.
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Task 1: Download the Secure AVR Mobile App
To find the compatible mobile application, navigate to your smartphone’s app store and search for: Secured AVR BLE IoT Node.
Task 2: Download the Secure AVR Example
Navigate to http://start.atmel.com/
Note: This website contains a multitude of examples for Atmel boards. You can come here to find more downloadable content for your projects. It also contains user guides which outline the behavior of the example as well as basic steps of how to get the project imported to Atmel Studio.
In the search bar, type Secure Avr and you should see the Secure AVR BLE IoT Node example. Download this example.
Task 3: Connect Your Device
In this tutorial, we are using an Atmel-ICE. This device is used to program your Secure IoT Node via the UDPI protocol. The ICE needs to be connected via USB to your computer. Additionally, the IoT node will be powered via USB from the computer as well. If all is well with the power for your targeted device, the LED on the left-hand side will be a solid green.
If you do not supply your IoT node with a power supply, Atmel Studio will give you a target voltage error when you attempt to compile your program.
Task 4: Setup Atmel Studio and Program
Navigate back to your internet browser and click on the downloaded file. Atmel Studio should automatically open an “Import Atmel Start Project” prompt. Click OK to continue.
Task 5: Program Your Device
First, you will need to tell Atmel Studio what type of device you have and the interface you will be using. Navigate to the Solution Explorer on the right-hand side. Right click on your project folder. Click on 'Properties' at the bottom. This should open up a new window. Under 'Tool', set the debugger to your connected Atmel-ICE and ensure that your interface is set to UPDI. Press CTRL+S to save these settings.
Now click the start without debugging button in the center of the toolbar.
You should see a success or failure message in the terminal at the bottom of the screen when compilation is complete. If compiling and programming the device is successful, then you can now close Atmel Studio.
If your downloaded program gives a segmentation fault, clean and rebuild your project before clicking start without debugging.
Additional Note: If this is your first time using your Atmel-Ice, you may have to upgrade the firmware.
If problems still persist after update of the firmware. Navigate to Tools > Options >Tools >Tool Settings and change 'Check firmware' to 'False'.
Task 6: Connect To Your Phone
Open the Secured AVR BLE IoT Node on your smart device. You should see a device in the opening screen along with a button to connect to that device. After the connection is established, you will be taken to the first screen which shows how close your smart device is to your IoT Node.
Swipe to the left to monitor the temperature of your current location.
Swipe to the left again and hit the Start button. You willl now be able to see the accelerometer readings from you IoT node.
You will now have a secure connection between your smart device and your IoT node. Through the app, you will be able to monitor temperature, acceleration, and proximity to your IoT node in real time.
This example project is a great template for connecting your own devices. Turning your project and future projects into connected devices will be a lot easier with the Secure AVR BLE IoT Node.
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