Comparator Module on 8-Bit MCU

Comparators are used to interface analog circuits to a digital circuit by comparing two analog voltages and providing a digital indication of their relative magnitudes. Comparators are very useful mixed-signal building blocks because they provide analog functionality independent of program execution. Inside many PIC® MCU devices is a comparator module (some devices have more than one) so you can control it through software. The internal comparator module includes the following features:

  • Independent comparator control
  • Programmable input selection
  • Comparator output is available internally/externally
  • Programmable output polarity
  • Interrupt-on-change
  • Wake-up from Sleep
  • Programmable Speed/Power optimization
  • Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) shutdown
  • Programmable and Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR)

Comparator Overview

A single comparator is shown above along with the relationship between the analog input levels and the digital output. When the analog voltage at VIN+ is less than the analog voltage at VIN-, the output of the comparator is a digital low level. When the analog voltage at VIN+ is greater than the analog voltage at VIN-, the output of the comparator is a digital high level.

The comparator has multiple input sources and various output options. This can vary with device selection.

Inputs Example


Outputs Example

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