MCP37D31-200 16-bit Piplelined ADC

High-Speed Data Acquisition

A pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) offers sampling speeds of up to 200 Msps and low-power operation of less than 500 mW. Microchip’s pipelined 12-, 14-, and 16-bit resolution ADCs are ideal for low-power, space-constrained portable data acquisition applications. The integrated decimation filters and down converter reduces the need for external Radio Frequency (RF) circuitry and external signal processing, further saving power and board space.

MCP37D31-200 16-bit Pipelined ADC

MCP37D31-200 is a 16-bit pipelined ADC with a maximum sampling rate of 200 Msps. The high accuracy of over 74 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and over 90 dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) enable high precision measurements of fast input signals. The device operates at a very low power consumption of 490 mW at 200 Msps, including Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) digital I/O. Lower power saving modes are available at 80 mW for Standby and 33 mW for Shutdown. The MCP37D31-200 includes many digital processing features that simplify system design, cost, and power usage. These include an integrated digital down-converter, decimation filters for improved SNR, individual phase, offset and gain adjustment, and a fractional delay recovery for time-delay corrections in multi-channel modes. Data is available through the serial Double Data Rate (DDR) LVDS or parallel Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) interface and configured via a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). The device is available in the Very Thin Leadless Array (VTLA)-124 package.


Target Applications

  • Radar
  • Ultrasound
  • Software Defined radios
  • Sonar imaging
  • Portable data acquisition

Similar to MCP37D31-200

Part Number Resolution (bits) Max Sample Rate (Msps)
MCP37210-200 12 200
MCP37211-200 12 200
MCP37220-200 14 200
MCP37221-200 14 200
MCP37231-200 16 200
MCP37D10-200 12 200
MCP37D11-200 12 200
MCP37D20-200 14 200
MCP37D21-200 14 200
MCP37D31-200 16 200

MCP37X3X-200 16-bit 200 Msps ADC VTLA Evaluation Board (ADM00505)

The MCP37X3X-200 16-bit 200 Msps ADC VTLA Evaluation board enables you to evaluate the performance and digital signal processing features of the MCP37X3X-200 family of 16-bit, 200 Msps pipelined ADCs. It is used with a compatible data capture card to allow you to access the performance analysis features via a graphic user interface that runs on your PC.

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