Pipeline ADC Utility Operations

Load Factory Default Configuration


Click on the File menu entry.


Click the Load Factory Default Configuration entry.


Save/Load Configuration Settings

This command will save/load the configuration settings which include those found in the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), I/O, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), and Advanced tabs – no sample data will be saved.


Modify configuration settings to the desired values.

No manual modifications to the registers will be saved.


Click on the File menu entry.


Click the Save Configuration entry.



Specify the save location using the save dialog.

The saved file will have a CFG extension


Load the same file at a later time by simply selecting the Load Configuration… entry from the File menu and navigating the load file dialog to the same location where the configuration data was originally saved.

Save/Load Data

This command will export both the configuration settings and the raw data shown in the chart(s) of the GUI.


Click on the File menu entry.


Click the Save Data… entry.



Specify the save location using the save dialog.

The saved file will have an MCHP extension


Load the data at a later time by simply selecting the Load Data… entry from the File menu and navigating the load file dialog to the same location where the data file was originally saved.

Export/Import Data

This command will export/import the raw data shown in the chart(s) of the GUI – no configuration data is exported/imported.


Click on the File menu entry.


Click the Export Data… entry.



Specify the save location using the dialog window.

The saved file will have a TXT extension and look similar to the file screenshot below:



The same data can later be imported by simply selecting the Import Data… entry from the File menu and navigating the load file dialog to the same location where the text file was originally saved.

Save/Load Register Map

This command will save/load the entire register map to/from a file. Any manual changes to the device registers will be saved with this command.


Click on the Register menu entry.


Click the Save Register Map entry.



Specify the save location using the save dialog.

The saved file will have a MAP extension.


Load the saved register map at a later time by simply selecting the Load Register Map entry from the same register menu and navigating the load file dialog to the same location where the map file was originally saved.


If the utility software is not recognizing the connected device, try one of the following:

  • Verify the USB connection is secure.
  • Unplug and reconnect the USB connection while waiting a few seconds between each step.
  • Verify the device shows in the Windows Device Manager. You should see an entry like the following:

Please contact Microchip Technical Support for other questions/comments regarding this software.

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