Instrumentation Amplifiers

Instrumentation Amplifiers (INA) have a differential input and differential or single-ended output. While providing amplification based on the difference between the two inputs, INAs do not require an external feedback loop and offer multiple gain options, excellent gain precision, Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), and Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) capabilities. INAs can be found in a wide range of applications from Wheatstone Bridge sensors, industrial measurement, data acquisition, to medical devices where gain precision and accuracy are required.

Microchip Technology offers the MCP6N11 instrumentation amplifier. It offers single-supply operation with rail-to-rail input and output performance. Two external resistors set the gain and can support gains from 1 to 10,000 V/V. It also offers a low supply voltage range (1.8 V to 5.5 V) to support many portable applications. MCP6N11 is also equipped with mCal technology which is an on-board calibration circuit that corrects the input offset error of the amplifier. The calibration circuitry reduces initial offset voltage and minimizes drift over time and temperature.

MCP6N16 is Microchip's latest INA offering low offset drift, superior CMRR and PSRR. Each device has EMI filters at the input pins, providing superior EMI rejection. The low single-supply voltage is ideal for portable applications. Multiple minimum gain options (1, 10, and 100 V/V) are available allowing the user to optimize the input offset voltage and input noise for different applications.

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