Introduction to Operational Amplifiers


This self-paced class begins with operational amplifier (op amp) concepts and terminology such as op-amp definition, op-amp terminals, op-amp input modes, op-amp basic ideal characteristics, specifications, feedback configurations, etc. This will help you understand real world op-amps and choose the right op-amps for special applications.

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 Table of Contents

Part 1 - Background, Characteristics, and Fundamental Operations

  1. Key Concepts
  2. History
  3. Ideal Parameters
  4. Terminals
  5. Input Modes
  6. Transfer Characteristics
  7. Ideal Parameters Revisited
  8. Linearity
  9. Specifications
  10. DC Specifications Explained
  11. AC Specifications Explained

Part 2 - Basic Op-Amp Configurations

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Closed Loop Configuration
  3. Open Loop Configuration

Part 3 - Op-Amp Responses

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Open-Loop Gain Revisited
  3. Decibels (dB)
  4. Closed Loop Gain Revisited
  5. Bandwidth Revisited
  6. Stability
  7. Phase Margin and Gain Margin
  8. Internal and External RC Networks
  9. Compensation Network

Part 4 - Basic Op-Amp Circuits: Comparators and Summing Amplifiers

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Comparators
  3. Inverting Summing Amplifiers
  4. Non-Inverting Summing Amplifiers

Part 5 - Basic Op-Amp Circuits: Integrators, Differentiators, and Converters

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Integrators
  3. Differentiators

Part 6 - Active Filters: Low Pass, High Pass, and Band Pass

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Low Pass Filters
  3. High Pass Filters
  4. Band Pass Filters
  5. Microchip FilterLab® Software
  6. Butterworth Filters
  7. Chebyshev Filters
  8. Bessel Filters
  9. Filter Summary
  10. Filter Design Example
  11. Mindi Filter Example

Part 7 - Basic Op-Amp Circuits: Oscillators and Timers

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Oscillator Basics
  3. Feedback Oscillators
  4. Phase Shift Oscillators
  5. Relaxation Oscillators
  6. Square Wave Oscillators

Part 8 - Special Function Amplifiers

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Instrumentation Amplifiers
  3. Instrumentation Amplifier Applications
  4. Programmable Gain Amplifiers


Cammen Chan
Microchip Technology Inc.

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