Browsing Pre-written START Projects

This page provides an introduction to browsing and opening an existing Atmel START project. For information on creating projects with START, please visit Creating START projects page.


From the START home page ( click on the "BROWSE EXAMPLES" button.


You will be shown a list of all the available projects. The three search boxes at the top of the list allow you to filter through the project list so that only projects of interest will be displayed.


Select the project you wish to use by clicking anywhere on the project row. When a project is selected, the blue "Download Selected Example" and the green "Open Selected Examples" buttons will be highlighted.


Downloading a Project

Downloading a project will cause START to generate and download an .atzip file containing all the source and header files for the project. To use the project simply import this file to Atmel Studio.

Opening a Project

If you want to preview the project code or make changes to the pin assignments or system clocking click on "Open Selected Example" You will be shown the project dashboard.


From the Project Dashboard you will be able to:

  1. View the source code - all the files and their content can be read from this window. (To make any changes you will have to open the project in an IDE).
  2. Map and Rename the pins - The PINNUX tab allows you to re-map or re-name the project's I/O pins.
  3. Modify the System clocking - The Clock Configuration provides a graphical interface to select or modify the oscillator and PLL sources.

Modifying the system clocking or pin assignments changes START's project configuration. You can then either export the reconfigured project to run on Atmel Studio or you can save the configuration and export the project at a later session.

Saving the Modified Configuration

The Save Configuration button will allow you to create and name an Atmel Studio configuration file (*.astart) which includes all the changes made to the project. The file will be downloaded to your computer. When this saved configuration is opened in START a complete project will be created and populated with the appropriate header and source files.


Opening a Save Configuration

At the bottom of the Atmel START home page you will find the button named "Load Project from File". This will allow you to open up any previously saved configuration file.

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