Atmel START: Introduction Videos with SAM L21 Project Development and Debug
The following series of videos shows you how to use Atmel START, the Advanced Software Framework 4 (ASF4), and the Atmel Studio IDE to develop and debug a project for the SAM L21 microcontroller.
Glen also demonstrates many valuable tips and tricks for the Atmel Studio IDE. For example: Do you know what 'F1 datasheet help' is? Watch video 8 to see it in action.
Video 1: Introduction to the video series
Video 2: Hello World!
- Create a project from scratch using the Atmel START graphical project configurator.
- Add a USART driver to the project.
- Use Advanced Software Framework 4 (ASF4) example code to send a message to a serial terminal over the USART.
Video 3: Best Practice Code Cleanup
- Move USART ASF4 example code into main.c.
Video 4: Configuring & Reading the ADC
- Add and configure an ADC driver to the project.
- Add ADC example code.
- Measure the analog output from the light sensor on the I/O1 Xplained Pro board.
- Use an I/O view window to display the ADC Result register.
Video 5: ADC with Delay, Visualization
- Add and configure a Delay driver to start an ADC conversion.
- Add code to the ADC callback function for the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
- Display ADC result values on a serial terminal and graph with the Data Visualizer.
Video 6: ADC with Timer Callback, Visualization
- Add and configure a Timer driver to start an ADC conversion.
- Add Timer example code.
Video 7: ADC Timer GPIO
- Use a SAM L21 GPIO pin to measure the ADC conversion time.
- Plot the conversion time in the Data Visualizer.
- Embedded Debugger (EDBG) GPIO pins with the Data Gateway Interface (DGI).
Video 8: Measuring Power and Going to Sleep
- Put SAM L21 into Sleep mode.
- Configure Timer and ADC to run in Sleep.
- Use the Data Visualizer to measure power consumption.
Video 9: ADC with Delay, Visualization
- Download the 'Low power' example project from Atmel START and import it into Atmel Studio.
- The Data Visualizer is used to display the power consumption.
- The USART is used to temporarily wake the SAML21 from sleep.
- A low power SleepWalking project is also demonstrated.
Video 10: SAM L21 Low Power Examples & Training Material
- Add temperature sensor middleware.
- Add temperature sensor code.
- Use a watch window to view temperature sensor data.
Video 11: Configuring the SPI for the EDBG DGI
- Add and configure an SPI driver for the data stream module in the Data Visualizer.
- Embedded Debugger (EDBG) SPI pins with the Data Gateway Interface (DGI).
- Add SPI initialization example code.
Video 12: Implementing the Data Streamer Protocol
- Add example code to implement the data streamer protocol.
- Use the data stream module to send temperature and light sensor measurements to the Data Visualizer.