CryptoAuth Trust Platform Factory Reset

Please note this page is for Trust Platform Design Suite version 1. Training for Trust Platform Design Suite version 2 can be found here: Trust Platform Design Suite v2.

This page shows you how to reprogram the CryptoAuth Trust Platform board with the original factory firmware.

Programming the CryptoAuth Trust Platform evaluation kit with one of the Trust Platform example use case projects overwrites the firmware that was programmed onto the board before you received it. This factory firmware enables you to use Jupyter notebooks to configure and program the CryptoAuth Trust Platform for specific use cases.


Select the IDE of your choice from the tabs below:

The MPLAB® X IDE v3.35 has a bug that prevents it from connecting to the CryptoAuth Trust Platform board. Please use a previous or later version of the IDE.


Connect the CryptoAuth Trust Platform to your computer.


Open the MPLAB X Integrated Programming Environment (IPE). The MPLAB X IPE is a stand-alone software application that can be installed allong with the MPLAB X IDE. If you choose not to install it when installing the MPLAB X IDE, you can re-run the MPLAB X IDE installer.



  • Select the Device Family: 32-bit MCUs (PIC32C/SAM).
  • Select the Device: ATSAMD21E18A.
  • Click Apply.


Browse to the folder containing the CryptoAuth_Trust_Platform.hex file and click Program. You can download this file from the CryptoAuth Trust Platform support page or find it in this Trust Platform Design Suite folder: DesignTools\assets.

You can disregard the note about the configuration memory in the output window.

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