BM70 BLE Connection States

The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Link Layer on the BM70 operates in a variety of states which are analogous to those described in the standard. This page provides an overview of these connection states. It will help you understand the device datasheet electrical specifications.

BLE Connection Phases

In a BLE connection establishment, both hosts run through a sequence of basic connection phases, as shown in the diagram:

Connection Phase Overview
Standby/Idle No connection
Discovery Slave (Advertiser) sends ADV packets and is discoverable
Connecting Master (Initiator) selects a device to connect to
Connected Master/Slave exchange data packets at regular intervals

BLE Link Layer States

These connection phases correspond to Link Layer states as defined in the Bluetooth standard:


BM70 Link Layer States

BM70 defines its own Link Layer operating states that are analogous to those defined above:

BM70 LL State Corresponds To Connection Phase
Shutdown - Lowest Power mode (BM70 is shutdown)
Idle Standby No connection
Standby Advertising Discovery
Scanning Scanning Discovery
Connecting Initiating Connecting
Connected Connected Connected

BM70 defines different labels for some of the basic BLE Link Layer states. This page outlines these differences and will help you better understand the electrical specifications in the device datasheet.

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