Curiosity Board Training Videos

Your next embedded design idea has a new home! The Curiosity Development Board is a cost-effective, fully-integrated 8-bit development platform targeted at first-time users, makers, and those seeking a feature-rich rapid prototyping board. Designed from the ground up to take full advantage of Microchip's MPLAB®X development environment, the Curiosity Development Board includes an integrated programmer/debugger and requires no additional hardware to get started.

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The series of videos below show you how to use the Curiosity Development Board.

Microchip Minute Training Tutorial Video

This video introduces MPLAB® X IDE and the MPLAB® Code Configurator for Microchip 8-bit MCU devices.

Microchip Minutes – Installing the Microchip Software Tools

In this video we walk you through downloading the software that will be used in the Microchip Minutes video series including MPLAB X IDE, the MPLAB® XC8 compiler the MPLAB Code Configurator.

Microchip Minutes – Setting up a Project in MPLAB X IDE

In this video we set up a basic project in MPLAB X IDE.

Microchip Minutes - HELLOWORLD

In this video, the MPLAB Code Configurator is used to quickly create the helloWorld program that simply lights an LED connected to one of the pins of an 8-bit PIC® microcontroller. Learn how easy it is to start building embedded applications with these low cost but powerful devices.

Microchip Minutes – Blink

In this video, the MPLAB Code Configurator is used to quickly create a project that blinks an LED connected to one of the pins of an 8-bit PIC microcontroller. Learn how easy it is to start building embedded applications with these low-cost but powerful devices.

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