MCP2221 Breakout Module

The MCP2221 Breakout Module is a development and evaluation platform comprised of a single Dual In-line Package (DIP) form factor board. The supporting software provided demonstrates the capabilities of the MCP2221 device as a USB-to-UART/I2C/SMBus protocol converter. Additionally, this tool provides simple access for I/O control and the ability to establish custom device configuration. Custom tools can also be created through the use of the provided Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) package.

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  • UART Tx and Rx signals
  • I2C/SMBus clock and data lines (SCL and SDA)
  • Four GP lines, configurable for GPIO, dedicated or alternate function operation
  • User-selectable (by using a jumper) power supply of 3.3 V or 5 V (up to 500 mA)
  • DIP form factor (600 mil spacing between two 7-pin headers)
  • PICkit™ Serial Analyzer header — used for UART and I2C/SMBus communication only
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