The PIC24F Curiosity Development Board is a cost-effective, fully integrated 16-bit development platform targeted at first-time users, makers, and those seeking a feature-rich rapid prototyping board. Designed from the ground-up to take full advantage of Microchip’s MPLAB® X IDE and MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE, the board includes an integrated programmer/debugger and requires no additional hardware, making it a perfect starting point to explore PIC24F MCUs.
The PIC24F Curiosity Board is the perfect platform to harness the power of 16-bit PIC24F Microcontrollers. Its layout and external connections offer unparalleled access to the Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs). These CIPs enable the user to integrate various system functions onto a single MCU, simplifying the design and keeping system power consumption and BOM cost low.
- Features PIC24FJ128GA204 low power (XLP) microcontroller with an integrated Cryptographic engine
- Integrated programmer/debugger with USB interface
- Analog potentiometer, multiple user LED’s, RGB LED and switches
- Full compatibility with MPLAB Xpress, MPLAB X IDE, XC16 compiler and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)
- Functionality expansion support with mikroBUS™ interface for Click™ Boards
- Wireless connectivity provision with Microchip’s BM71 Bluetooth® LE module footprint