PIC32MK GP Development Kit

The PIC32MK GP Development Kit uses a PIC32MK1024GPE100 MCU. It has 4 CAN ports (2 DB-9 connectors), 6 USB connectors (one Type-A, one Type-C, four micro-B), an LCD connector, and Solomon Systech display controller. It also has two mikroBUS™ expansion sockets from MicroElektronika and an X32 connector to mount an audio codec daughter board.

This board has an on-board programmer/debugger. No external programmer/debugger (e.g., ICD4) is required.

User's Guide (Board Description & Schematics)


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Harmony example projects

All example projects included in the MPLAB Harmony software framework are documented in the Harmony Help file under "Volume I: Applications Help". To find all projects that use this specific board, search the Harmony Help file for pic32mk_gp_db. This is the name of the board support package (BSP) assigned to this development board.

The following projects are included in Harmony version 2.05.01:

Project Name Location Description
echo_send.X <install-dir>/apps/examples/peripheral/can/echo_send/firmware This demonstration shows how to use the CAN Peripheral Library and CAN peripheral on a device to send out a message over the CAN bus. This demonstration uses message filtering to echo back user data sent to its specific address. This demonstration does not use a CAN Driver or the CAN Stack.
aria_quickstart.X <install-dir>/apps/gfx/aria_quickstart/firmware This demonstration serves as a preconfigured starting point for a touch-enabled application powered by the Aria User Interface Library. The demonstration has multiple configurations to demonstrate the graphics library running on different MCUs, displays, and display drivers.
Peripheral library examples
blinky_leds.X <install-dir>/apps/examples/peripheral/ports/blinky_leds/firmware This example demonstrates the Ports peripheral library. It blinks an LED with the selected frequency.
uart_basic.X <install-dir>/apps/examples/peripheral/usart/uart_basic/firmware This example demonstrates the USART peripheral library. This demonstration uses USART2 in UART mode to transmit characters to the console and echo received characters on the console while turning on a LED.
Driver library example
eeprom_read_write.X <install-dir>/apps/driver/eeprom/eeprom_read_write/firmware This application demonstrates the capabilities of the MPLAB Harmony Data EEPROM Driver Library. The Data EEPROM Driver is used to access the Data EEPROM of an PIC32MK family device to perform read, write operations.
cdc_com_port_dual.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/multi_usb/cdc_com_port_dual/firmware This application demonstrates dual USB Device operation on a PIC32 microcontroller with two USB Controllers. In this demonstration both of the USB controllers act as CDC devices.
msd_dual.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/multi_usb/msd_dual/firmware This demonstration application creates a USB CDC Device that enumerates as a single COM port on the host personal computer. The application demonstrates two-way communication between the USB device and the personal computer host.This application demonstrates the capability of a PIC32 microcontroller and the MPLAB Harmony USB Host stack to work with two USB Controllers in an application. The MPLAB Harmony USB Stack is capable of handling multiple USB controllers.
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