PIC32MX USB Starter Kit III

The PIC32MX USB Starter Kit III uses a PIC32MX470F512L MCU. It has a USB host connector and two USB device connectors (one mini-B for program/debug and one micro-B), three push button switches, and three LEDs.

This board has an on-board programmer/debugger. No external programmer/debugger (e.g., ICD4) is required.

User's guide (board description & schematics) and software examples:

MPLAB® Harmony example projects:

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Harmony example projects

All example projects included in the MPLAB Harmony software framework are documented in the Harmony Help file under "Volume I: Applications Help". To find all projects that use this specific board, search the Harmony Help file for pic32mx_usb_sk3. This is the name of the board support package (BSP) assigned to this development board.

The following projects are included in Harmony version 2.05.01:

Project Name Location Description
msd_basic.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/host/msd_basic/firmware This application demonstrates the use of the MSD Host Class Driver to write a file to a USB Flash drive. The application uses the USB Host_layer, MSD class driver and the MPLAB Harmony File System Framework to enumerate a USB Flash drive and to write a file to it.
msd_basic.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/msd_basic/firmware This demonstration application creates a USB device flash drive using the Mass Storage Device Class.
hid_mouse.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/hid_mouse/firmware This demonstration application creates a USB HID based two-button mouse device. When connected, the device emulates mouse operation by moving the cursor in a circular pattern.
hid_keyboard.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/hid_keyboard/firmware This demonstration application creates a Generic HID keyboard. Pressing the button on the demonstration board will cause the device to print a character on the screen.
hid_basic.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/hid_basic/firmware This application creates a custom HID device that can be controlled by a personal computer-based utility. The device allows the USB Host utility to control the LEDs on the board and query the status of a switch.
cdc_com_port_single.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/cdc_com_port_single/firmware This demonstration application creates a USB CDC Device that enumerates as a single COM port on the host personal computer. The application demonstrates two-way communication between the USB device and the personal computer host.
cdc_com_port_dual.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/cdc_com_port_dual/firmware This demonstration application creates a USB CDC Device that enumerates as two serial ports on the USB Host personal computer. This application demonstrates the ability of the MPLAB Harmony USB Device Stack to support multiple instances of the same Device class.
hid_joystick.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/hid_joystick/firmware This demonstration application creates a custom HID joystick. This application is only intended to demonstrate creation of Joystick HID Report descriptors and may not be a definite end solution. The end application requirements may need the report descriptor to be modified.
vendor.X <install-dir>/apps/usb/device/vendor/firmware This demonstration application creates a custom USB device using the USB Device Layer Endpoint functions. The Vendor device can be exercised by using the WinUSB PnP Demonstration application, which is provided in your installation of MPLAB Harmony. The LEDs on the demonstration board will indicate the USB state of the device, as described in the USB Device State and LED Indication Table in the Device section.
basic_threadx.X <install-dir>/apps/rtos/threadx/basic This application demonstrates the Express Logic ThreadX RTOS. Once the demonstration is up and running an LED will toggle every 500 ms. This demonstration will show the RTOS running with the selected hardware.
basic_openrtos.X <install-dir>/apps/rtos/openrtos/basic This application demonstrates the OPENRTOS RTOS. The demonstration blinks the three user LEDs on a starter kit to show the RTOS threads that are running and to indicate status.
File System
nvm_mpfs_single_disk.X <install-dir>/apps/fs/nvm_mpfs_single_disk/firmware This demonstration shows an example of implementing a MPFS disk in device Flash memory. The demonstration contains a MPFS disk image in the internal Flash memory. The disk image contains two files named:
* FILE.txt, Size = 11 Bytes. The content of the file is: "Hello World"
* TEST.txt, Size = 72 Bytes. The content of the file is: "This file contains a test string and it is meant for testing. 1234567890".
The demonstration performs all file system related function calls on the file: SYS_FS_FileRead, SYS_FS_FileStat, SYS_FS_FileSize, SYS_FS_FileSeek, SYS_FS_FileEOF. If all tests are successful, LED indication is provided.
nvm_fat_single_disk.X <install-dir>/apps/fs/nvm_fat_single_disk/firmware This demonstration shows an example of implementing a FAT12 disk in device Flash memory. The demonstration contains a FAT12 disk image consisting of a Master Boot Record (MBR) sector, Logical Boot Sector, File Allocation Table, and Root Directory Area.
The demonstration opens an existing file named FILE.TXT and performs all file system related function calls on the file: SYS_FS_FileStat, SYS_FS_FileSize, SYS_FS_FileSeek, and SYS_FS_FileEOF. Finally, the string Hello World is written to this file. The string is then read and compared with the string that was written to the file. If the string compare is successful, LED indication is provided.
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