RN1723 Evaluation Kit (RN-1723-EK)

The RN-1723-EK is an 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi evaluation kit for the RN1723 module that can be used to quickly add Wi-Fi connectivity to embedded applications. It has the flexibility to connect directly to a PC via a standard USB interface or to embedded processors through the TTL/UART interface. The board includes 2 convenient push buttons for controlling both SoftAP and WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) mode without software configuration. The status LEDs and jumpers enable rapid prototyping and integration into existing systems.

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The RN-1723-EK can be powered by both a USB cable (included in the kit) or batteries. The board contains a battery boost circuit which makes it possible to power the board using two AAA batteries (the input voltage can go down to 2.0 V DC when using the battery boost circuit). The battery boost circuit makes the RN-1723-EK perfect for battery powered applications such as sensors, data acquisition systems, controllers, etc.

Key Features

  • Ultra-low power: 4 µA sleep, 40 mA Rx, 180 mA Tx at +10 dBm
  • Complete on-board TCP/IP networking stack
  • Configurable transmit power: 0 to +12 dBm
  • UART hardware interface
  • Up to 1 Mbps data rate over UART
  • Powered by battery pack (2 AAA batteries) or via USB cable
  • Push buttons for AP/WPS mode and reset signals
  • Supports both Adhoc and SoftAP mode (including SoftAP for Android)
  • 10 general-purpose digital I/O pins
  • 8 analog sensor interfaces; configurable sensor power outputs 0 to 3.3V DC
  • Real-time clock for wakeup and time stamping
  • Wi-Fi Alliance certified for WPA2-PSK
  • FCC/CE/IC certified and RoHS compliant
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