RN41 Bluetooth Module

The RN41 is a small form factor, low power, simple to integrate Class 1 Bluetooth® radio for adding wireless capability to a product. The RN41 is perfect for battery-powered applications and by default is ready to use in a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) serial communication format. It uses only 250 µA in sleep mode while still being discoverable and connectable. Multiple low-power modes are available that allow you to dial in the lowest power profile for your application. The RN41 supports multiple Bluetooth profiles, is fully certified, and is simple to design in, making it a complete embedded Bluetooth solution.


The RN41 is also available without antenna (RN41N). This is useful when the application requires an external antenna. The RN41N is form, function, and pin compatible with the RN41. A similar module, the RN42, is a fully certified Class 2 low power Bluetooth module.

Support Documentation

RN41 Data Sheet

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