KDC KuC Gain

KDC Gain

The Compensator Design window and the equation for the KDC variable are shown in the 3-Pole/ 3-Zero (3P3Z) Compensator page. This variable represents a DC gain for the compensator. This variable is intended to introduce a DC gain offset to the compensator, without having to adjust the frequency location of the pole/zero placement of the compensator. The default value is set equal to one (1).

KuC Gain Calculation

In order to account for gains associated with the feedback sensing network, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) modules, the Digital Compensator Design Tool (DCDT) will take into account the corresponding information provided to compute the KuC gain. This gain must be included at the time of generating the digital compensator coefficients of the header file (Output Report > Generate code Option). This gain will be automatically introduced by enabling the Implement KuC gain checkbox option. Alternatively, you might manually enter this gain value using the KDC field.

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