MCP16311/2 Design Analyzer Design Example

Here, we present a design example using the MCP16311/2 Design Analyzer with the following input parameters:

Input Parameters

System Parameter Designator Suggested Values Units Notes
Input Voltage E 24 V 4.0 V ≤ E ≤ 30.0 V
Output Voltage U 2 V 2.0 V ≤ U ≤ 24.0 V
Output Current IO 800 mA 0 mA ≤ IO ≤ 1,000 mA
Ambient Temperature TA 25 °C -40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C
Package Type Pkg MSOP

Based on these input parameters, the Design Analyzer calculates the recommended values of the external components for both the power train and the feedback loop. At this point, you can fine-tune the component values to get more precise results.

System and Compensation Components

Designator Suggested Values Adjusted Values Units
System Components
Inductance L 10 10 µH
Inductance DCR LDCR 100 80
Output Capacitor COUT 20 22 µF
Output Capacitor ESR CESR 5 10
Compensation Components
Top Feedback Resistor RTOP 15.0 15.0
Bottom Feedback Resistor RBOT 10.0 10.0
External Zero Capacitor CZ 0 33 pF

Stability Analysis Summary

Crossover Frequency 48,000 40,000 Hz
Phase Margin 42.2 52.1 Degrees
Gain Margin 16.9 17.7 dB
On-Chip Temperature 105 °C

In the blue cells, the stability analysis summary (for both the suggested value and the adjustable value) is displayed.

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