Emulation Headers and EEPs Overview

What is an Emulation Extension Pak?

An Emulation Extension Pak (EEP) contains an emulation header, gold single in-line pins, and a trace cable and trace adapter board. An EEP is what you purchase when you want an emulation header.

What is an Emulation Header?

An emulation header is a circuit board that allows a debug tool to debug code for a specific device. A special version of the device (-ME2) with on-board emulation circuitry is located on the header. Connectors on the side of the header allow it to connect directly to or through an adapter to the emulator. Connectors on the bottom of the header allow it to connect directly to or through a transition socket to a target board.

Why Would I Want to Use an Emulation Header?

Although some devices have onboard debug circuitry to allow you to debug your code, you often lose device resources to debugging, i.e., debugging requires the use of two I/O lines, plus Vdd, Vss, and Vpp to communicate with the device. Using an emulation header can free up these resources for your application and give you new and powerful debugging features not found on debug headers.

For details on emulation header features, see Emulation Header Features.

For details on debug header features, see the user’s guide or online help file for supported debug tools (see Emulation Header Support Information). Also, see the Processor Extension Pak and Debug Header Specification (DS51292). Find all documentation on the Microchip website.

For a comparison of emulation versus debug features, see Emulation Header vs. Device and Debug Header Features.

How Do I Get Started Using An Emulation Header?

Click on the link below to get started:

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