If the license is activated on one of your machines, you can follow any of these three methods to look up your activation key:
Open MPLAB® X IDE and go to Tools>Licenses>License Status.
This will open a dialog which contains the activation key details.
Executing this command from your machine’s command prompt will show the activation key:
xclm -status
If you encounter an error such as “xclm is not recognized as a command”, it indicates that the xclm is not in your machine’s environment path. You may add it to your path manually or follow these steps:
1. Change to the bin folder of the compiler installation directory.
E.g., for XC8 v1.45: pushd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.45\bin"
2. Execute the command: xclm -status
You can also look up the Activation Key under the mySoftware account where the compiler is registered. Login through the MPLAB X IDE, or on the microchip.com website at: http://www.microchip.com/mysoftware.