How to Decode the Recorded Excel Data From MTCH6303 Utility

The CSV file created by the software shows the raw packets delivered to the software (with the USB/I²C communication headers stripped off). The MTCH6303 datasheet can be used to decode the protocol used and figure out what data is being sent (e.g., coordinates, gestures, mutual data, etc.). Each row in the created document refers to one complete data packet.

Example for identifying the Mutual Values:

1. In the MTCH6303 Utility, go to the Demo screen and turn 'Mutual Values' on and all the other options (Digitizer, Self Values, Gesture, and Drawing) off.


2. Start logging data.
3. Touch the touchscreen shortly.
4. Stop logging data.
5. Open the MTCH6303DataFile.csv file created on your desktop, then you can easily identify the data.


MTCH6303 is not recommended for new designs. Visit for our latest products.

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