ISO26262 ASIL B for MCC Generated Code

Do we have any certification or qualification regarding ISO26262 Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) B for MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) generated code?

We do not perform any type of certification or qualification regarding ISO26262 ASIL B on either the generated code from MCC or the Java code that makes up the MCC framework. This means that in terms of ASIL B, the code generated by MCC has to be treated exactly the same as any code you would write by hand.

The Liverpool Data Research Associates (LDRA) Testbed® is a useful tool in helping to certify functional safety. We recommend that an automotive customer run the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) rules against the code, which LDRA can do. It is possible for us to generate MISRA rules reports against projects as we do have an LDRA license. If this is useful to you, then you are welcome to send the code to Microchip and we can generate the report for you.

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