High Speed MOSFET Drivers Comparison: TC4427 vs TC4427A and TC4422 vs TC4422A

TC4427 vs TC4427A

  • They are designed using the same metal gate technology.
  • The main differences from the performance point of view were to match the delays better and lower the supply current dramatically; this was accomplished by optimizing the design, not a big enough change to affect cost or thermal performance.
  • The TC4427A uses larger bond pads to facilitate assembly.
  • There is no difference in test flow or sequence; both devices have their own set of test limits and these were set with the same guard band rules.

TC4422 vs TC4422A

  • These designs use different metal gate technology, TC4422 uses single metal layer and TC4422A uses dual metal layer.
  • The TC4422A has faster switching times and comparable delay times to TC4422 but has dramatically lower supply current.
  • There is no difference in test flow or sequence; both devices have their own set of test limits and there were set with the same guard band rules.
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